Macy celebrated her first birthday Saturday! Mom, Dad, Misty, Julie & Avery all came in from Texas for the event. Lora & Sidney were there as well. We are blessed with so many great friends, who made the day extra special. Her good buddies Anna Kate, Taylor & Lexi were there to join in the fun. Here are some pictures.
Singing Happy Birthday!Avery finally gets his cupcake!
The sweetest sugar!She delicately picked at her "smash" cake. She was overwhelmed with gifts!It's hard to believe our sweet baby is a year old. What tremendous love & happiness she has brought our lives over the past 12 months. We love you, sweet girl!
For those of you who may not know, we recently discovered Macy is very hyperopic (farsighted). Ironic, isn't it? We made her a pair of glasses out of the smallest frame we had. We are in the process of finding more frames so she'll have a variety. Macy has amazed us with how well she wears her glasses. Ocassionally she will still look over the top of the them, prompting us to call her "professor". She rarely takes them off.We took our little pumpkin to a pumpkin patch set up at a local church. She loved it and didn't want to leave.Just one more week and our sweet baby girl will turn a year old! Happy Fall!!
This past weekend Macy took her first steps. We also switched her from formula to whole milk, so we felt like we just had a weekend full of our little baby growing up. I don't have any photos or video yet, but I will try to get some soon.
Last Saturday Macy got to play with her friend Taylor a little bit. This was while Daddy went on his playdate with Ben (Taylor's daddy) to go fishing on the coast. They caught quite a few fish, & a few sharks. Here is a picture of some of their catch.
It is fun to watch Macy & Taylor interact more these days. Sunday when we got to church, he was sitting a few rows in front of us. He'd squeal & laugh at her, and she'd do it right back. It was too cute. Does this look like trouble or what?When we had our fish fry, we let the kids play in the back yard. Macy likes grass just about as much as she likes sand. The only way she would play is on a blanket.